
Scott Myers

Hey Boo, let's get all the Eerie Ln. history, who's in the band, band influences, etc. out of the way here so we can get to the cool stuff sooner. OK?
The year I graduated me and my brother HellHound tried to start a Misfits/Danzig style band called HellShock with Von Creepy! We were too young and had no idea how to play our instruments! All we learned was Last Caress and Night of the Living Dead by the Misfits and Bodies by Danzig! After that fell through I played around with alot of musicians trying to get better! I was a bass player at this time! Everyone was into doing Metallica and Nirvana covers at that time so I said fuck it, got back with my brother and started a Misfits/Samhain cover band called the Unholy with me on vocals and HellHound of course on drums! No one was doing this in our town! This layed the foundation of what EERiE Ln. would eventually become! I had just met Eerie Von on tour with Danzig on the 4p tour and became pen pals with him so that's were our band name came from! Eventually doing only covers got old so we ditched the Unholy and started writing original material as EERiE Ln. with our first line up! In 3 months we put out a demo and started playing gigs! That was about 6 years ago! We haven't stopped yet! Only line up changes have set us back now and then but we have what I consider to be our best line up to date and I hope everyone is happy in the band and stays for a good long time to come! As of right now it's me on vocals, HellHound on drums, Von Creepy on guitars, Kayden on bass and Evil Lind on keys and samples!

Our bands have been on a few comps and what not together so it seems we tread the same paths in the undergound somehow. What has your impression of the scene today been? Personally I've met alot of cool people and then I've met alot of complete dicks.
We just do whatever comes naturally! Most of the comps we've been on and interviews we've done have come to us as opposed to us seeking them out! So we've been very fortunate that away! Most of the dicks I've come across in playing are all x members of the band! Everyone over all has been very cool to us over the years as far as reviews and things go! We don't deal with assholes!

Whose idea was it to do the hidden track cover of Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire"?
The first time I heard it I laughed my ass off, especially at the Danzig reference. It was my brother HellHound's idea! He's into all the old 50's rock! Elvis and Jerry Lee and stuff! I rewrote the lyrics though and added the Danzig references! It ended up being a very cool moment on the CD! Everyone asks about that!

You're friends with Eerie? I'm going to be honest the only thing I really know about him is what I saw on the first Danzig home video where he looks all fucked up and talks a bunch of bullshit. Isn't he doing porn movie soundtracks now or is that John Christ?
Eerie is damn cool! I've been pen pals with him since about 94! If it wasn't for Eerie I might have given up this band along time ago! He's kept me going the whole time! When things start to suck he's there to make sure I stick it out! He's a genuine friend to me! John Christ did some soundtrack stuff I believe? I don't know him but I know he's got a new CD out called Flech Caffiene! Worth checking into! He's a guitar GOD! He's Von Creepy's main influence! Eerie has 2 CDs out, Uneasy Listening, which is like a horror soundtrack to a movie that I wish existed, and the Blood and the Body, a creepy disc were Eerie plays all the instruments and does all the vocals!

What about the new Misfits albums? I saw them live opening for Megadeth and they saved that show. Megadeth suck fucking ass now.
I was a huge fan of the new Misfits! I've seen them and hung out with them on 8 occasions! I have a photo album full of photos of me and all my friends with them! The Misfits old and new are great! But all the shit going on with them right now is way disappointing! There's not a real Misfits line up at the moment! Graves and CHUD are out of the band! CHUD was cool! I drove him around in my truck once looking for a laundromat in Dallas Texas! I took my dad to see the Misfits in Austin one year! It was his first concert since Willy Nelson in 76! He loved them!

What new bands do you listen to?
I listen to Acid Bath and Agents of Oblivion alot! I love both of those bands immensely! Dax Riggs the singer for both of those bands has a great soulful voice and he writes the best lyrics this side of Glenn Danzig! I listen to Old Man's Child and the Immortal! 2 of the best black metal bands ever! No contest!

Hey man, you better say a few words about the other guys in the band...
Everyone in EERiE Ln. is my family! This is the first time I can honestly say I like everyone in the band! We all look out for one another inside and out of the band! We're all very close! HellHound, Von Creepy and I have known each other for nearly 9 years now and have played in bands together off and on for at least 6 of those years! We've grown up together! Kayden, our new bass player, is the most talented bassist I have ever had the opportunity to play with! He's also a very layed back honest guy! I like him so much he lives with me and my girlfriend! Evil Lind is like the little sister I never had! We all work well together and I feel very fortunate to have them all in EERiE Ln. at once!

I met Danzig once and he was pretty nice. Alot of people told me he was a dick but he wasn't at all. Have you met him? And could you kick his ass? He's pretty short but he looks dangerous...
I've met Glenn 5 times over the past several tours! He's been cool on a couple of those times! On the Danzig 4p tour me and HellHound went to Austin to see them for our second time and Eerie got us backstage passes! It was just HellHound, Eerie, me, my old guitarist Goredog, and Glenn back stage in this little living area and Glenn was super cool! We talked about comics and shit! I can't say I've ever seen him be an asshole personally but I have friends all over with stories that would contradict that! That's just who he is! Love him or loath him his music and imagery is a huge influence on us!

What're your future plans? You gonna continue being DIY or try to get a record deal? What about tours?
We will always play and put out our music! This is who we are! We would like to take this as far as we can! It would be easier if we could get some label support and I have been in contact with a couple of labels who are interested but one way or the other EERiE Ln. will be here! Without label support a full-fledged tour is next to impossible! We all have day jobs we have to keep to pay the bills and keep places to live! HellHound, Evil Lind, and Von Creepy all have kids to take care of as well! We do out of town shows as much as possible! We have played 6 out of town shows in the last 6 months! 2 in San Antonio Texas, 3 in Lawton Oklahoma, and 1 in New Orleans Louisiana! Give us time and we will make it around! That is a promise!

I'm going to type a word at the end of this sentence and you're going to have a shitload to say about it... here it is... Halloween.
Halloween represents a unique and interesting conflict of imagery and ideas to me! Both of which are equally compelling! On the one hand you have the cartoony fun side of Halloween! Candy and costumes! What else is there to say? I looked forward to Halloween every year as a child! In elementary school when you had craft time it usually revolved around doing things to decorate the classroom for the next holiday...trace around your hand for a Thanksgiving turkey...stupid pine trees for Christmas! Then there was skulls, bats, witches, and jack-o-lanterns all for Halloween! You decide! So on that hand it represents childhood and all the creepy things that go bump in the night! Then on the other hand Halloween represents a huge middle finger to all organized religion! The last holiday of a pagan society long since abolished by Christian oppression! Halloween will not go away! That to me makes it worth living for each year! The yin and the yang of it all makes a very complete whole!

What about horror movies? I've got a discussion going on about what the greatest and worst horror films of all time are. You’re like the expert on creepy shit so what's your opinion.
I have a huge video and DVD collection! Around 500 or so movies! And at least 300 are horror movies! I pretty much like anything that is full of blood and death! I like the Evil Dead series alot! The first 2 Hell Raiser movies were great! Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was cool! Dead Alive is excellent for over the top splatter! I really dig Return of the Living Dead! My favorite all time favorite horror movie would have to be Nightbreed! Hands down! I'm looking forward to seeing the House of a Thousand Corpses! I dig all Rob Zombie's stuff and I know that movie has got to be cool!

You sent me a shitload of Eerie Ln flyers that you drew and I saw you credited as drawing the cover of your last CD, your artwork is cool as hell. Is it something you do all the time?
I've always drawn pictures! As far back as I can remember I was drawing bats, and monsters! I do most of our flyers and artwork myself but Von Creepy does a good amount too! He's a tattoo artist and does alot of work on everyone in the band!

Who would you rather do, Elvira or Britney Spears?
Elvira of course! I like Angelica Huston as Morticia Adams too!

Hey you never told me whether you could kick Danzig's ass or not, so can you?
That's a tough question! I heard that Glenn is a black belt in Jeet-Kun-Do! I'm a black belt in jack shit nothing! I have fought alot in my life and I do enjoy a good bloody scrap every now and then, so I guess the only honest way for me to answer that is to say I think I'd give him a run for his money! But if we're talking about Misfits era Glenn, I'd fuck him up!

I have a tape full of Misfits Live shows from 81 and 82, those guys were so raw and loud man. It seems like alot of people only know the songs that Metallica covered which is a shame. I dig the shit out of the song "Halloween" I think that's my favorite anyway. And from Eerie Ln I think my favorite track is "Pale and Cold". What's your favorite Misfits song? Eerie Ln song?
I love everything the Danzig era Misfits did! Everything! I enjoy alot of the Graves era Misfits as well but the Danzig era seemed alot more powerful to me! It left a huge impression on me! I'll be a classic Misfits FIEND until the day I die! New Misfits wise I like Dig Up Her Bones! That song is fucking cool! I like Crying On A Saturday Night! Dr. CHUD dedicated that to EERiE Ln. on stage the last time they came through Dallas! Very cool! CHUD is the shit! I think I am more influenced lyrically by Samhain! In which case my favorite song Danzig has ever written is To Walk the Night! EERiE Ln. wise I love playing Mr. Phantasm, Needle and Thread, and Raccoon City Rock! Season of the Witch has gotten us the most attention! But CD wise I agree Pale and Cold! Wait till you hear our new stuff!

I think this will almost wrap this up Boo. You have any propaganda you'd like to spread about Eerie Ln?
We have an online Fang Club! It's a Yahoo Club and can be found under EERiE Ln. or the Skull 'O Maniacs! We also have an extensive website with loads of reviews and interviews posted as well as tons of photos and lyrics! It's at !

Thanks alot Boo, any final comments?
I'd like to thank all the freaks in the Fang Club and all the kids who come to the shows and write us! You guys rule and you make it all worth doing! And thanks alot Scott for the interview! Good luck with your band!

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